Janice Chow

这小哥原先也是学酒管的,后来辞职环游世界,选择了“be a joke”作为自己的职业, I spend four years to learn hotel management but I choose me, don't be embarrassed to be a joke, be a joke, it makes my life more meaningful to be a joke than be a man in a suit, it gives me a chance to see people all over the places and I insist my choice, 然后他对着小孩说,Kids go to school. If you like this show, you can put five bucks in my hat, ten is even better, if you don't have money, please come forward and shake my hand, oh that man over there walks away, he must go to the ATM:), 要是在中国有这么一个年轻小伙,染着一头蓝头发,上了四年大学出来啥都不干,在市中心商业街裸着上身卖艺还在身上绑东绑西,肯定会让人们评头论足,甚至被最强战队城管带走也是有可能的吧,但因为在布里斯班,在澳洲,还有他的那番话,真的让我很尊敬他,be a joke! 不知道他会在这里演多久,不过这一个月去布里斯班商业街都能看到他吧,大家也多多支持他的梦想吧💐

